Monday, May 28, 2012

Hansen Visiting

We were able to play with Peter's family this summer too. We played at the Hansen home and went with them to Bartlesville OK for the Bennion Reunion. We stayed at a camp in cabins and there was a mess hall to eat together and do activities. It was a lot of fun.

Lily's mohawk was a big topic of conversation. You can't see here but it did go all the way down to a little tail on her neck. The day before this Aunt Amanda decided the tail had to go. She borrowed Grandpas pocket knife and cut it off with the scissors and threw the hair out on the ground before Peter knew anything about it. So much for the fun, take pictures, first hair cut. Peter was pretty mad. But what are you gonna do? She is still adorable.

She wasn't sure what to make of Grandpa Hansen at first.

James. Lily & Porter. These little cuties were born just over 3 months apart. It will be fun to see them together as they get older.

Cute Lily

July 2007

First chocolate fudge pop. It was a big hit

This is early Aug and Lily is days away from crawling. She loves to arch her back high then get on her knees and rock back and forth.

When she is on her knees she rocks and scoots backward and usually ends up stuck under the couch or the end table. Then I have to help her get unstuck.

She loves to make messes. Anything she can reach will be destroyed- laundry, trash, potted plants and the list goes on.
Lily is getting bigger and more active each day. It is so much fun to stay home with her. What a lucky Mommy I am!

Summer Happenings

On the flight to Bozeman.
 We were able to go to my Haderlie family reunion the first part of June. Peter didn't have a lot of time off and we didn't really want to drive that far by ourselves. So we bought plane tickets (super pricey$$) and flew from Louisville to Bozeman with 1 layover. It was an easy flight. Lily was happy like always and everyone told us what a good and cute baby we have.
The reunion was lots of fun. I am so glad we could go see my family.
Lily loves to sit in this chair but can't reach the toys with her hands very well. So she often uses her feet.

Natural Baby, just like Dad

In Debt!!!!

 We bought our first house! It is a nice 3 bed 2 bath 925sqft brick off Lisbon Lane in Louisville. I am so excited! We feel like we got a good deal and love the feel of having a place of our own. There are lots of things we plan to do to fix it up. I can't wait!
Fat Lily about 3 months old. I love her rolls.
Front view

First night in a crib.

Back yard with a fence. Molly and I are in heaven. No more leash walks in the dark.

I can't wait to cut back these bushes and get rid of the big wolf spider hideouts in the windows behind them.

So nice and it's all OURS!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lilith Blessing

My parents came to town with Katie and Isaac on Friday evening. Peter and I got to celebrate our 1st Anniversary by going to a movie and getting a shake on the way home. It was a nice date night. Then Sunday the Hansen's drove up from Aunt Chere's and had brunch with us before church at 1. I was so happy to have such a sweet baby to celebrate and bring our family out to Kentucky.
This is the dress Mom made for my blessing from fabric used on her wedding dress. Mom crocheted the booties for Lily.

Most of her hair had fallen out on the sides and made her have a cute mo-hawk.

First week home

First Week
Lilith wearing one of my baby dresses brought home with Grandma Haderlie from Indonesia.

Little frog legs tucked in on the quilt from Grandma Bird.

Mommy still feeling terrible with a spinal headache. Daddy being silly.

After her first bath at home. It was a little traumatic for her and she was sucking that binki and holding her face for dear life.

Beautiful baby with long blonde hair and blue eyes.


 Lilith Anne Hansen has arrived! She was born on her due day. Weighing 8 lbs 11 oz 20 in long with the most perfect round little face and long light blonde hair. She is beautiful. I was pretty miserable the last week. I started contractions on Sunday night and had them very irregularly for the next few days. It hurt too much to lay down and the contractions were harder and more frequent in the night. So Tuesday morning I convinced Peter to take me to the hospital. When we got there I was having contractions but not regular and I was only dilated 2cm. So they sent me home. I stayed home with contractions on Wednesday. My mom got here that evening. I convinced Peter to take me in again on Thursday and after laboring all day and getting an epidural she was born around 5:30pm. I was so exhausted from no sleep, but the labor went very well and I only pushed twice. The hospital was stupid and I didn't get feed and I left with a spinal head ache that didn't get treated until the next Wednesday. But I was very happy to have my sweet baby. She is totally worth it. Here are lots of pics.

Me feeling good after the drugs. Peter bored watching tv.

Ready for home. Not liking the car seat.
First Family pic